Packages >


Shop Your Wardrobe - wardrobe analysis ($350 - $500)
A process where I come to your home to take stock and "shop your wardrobe" incorporating the 4 R's of reorganizing.This is normally a 3-5 hour process depending on how large and how unorganized the wardrobe is. 

By systematically going through your entire existing wardrobe and using a simple and effective organizing system we separate all articles of clothing:

    • First by season (spring/summer, fall/winter).
    • Then all clothing items are sorted by type of article ie. tops, blouses, dresses, pants, jeans, etc. (Jewellery, accessories, outerware and footware can also be sorted for an extra fee)
    • The client tries on all clothing to see if it suits, fits and is within reasonable current fashion trends except for classic timeless pieces.
    • Determine which styles suit the client by:
      • Style
      • cut
      • body-type
      • lifestyle & use

At the end of the session you will be left with a "plan of action" which will point out gaps in your wardrobe and suggestions for items you should purchase to complete it.

** You may also choose for me to shop for these additional items for you for an additional fee

Shopping Spree - Accompanied shopping trip ($150 - $300)

After sorting through your wardrobe to fill in the gaps

    • We go out to stores on a shopping spree and I recommend which articles of clothing to buy that would help complete your wardrobe

To find an outfit for an event or special occasion

    • We go out to shop for the perfect outfit(s) for your upcoming event